Welcome to the Furnace: The Refining Fire of Desitny

In speaking of the angels he says,
“He makes his angels spirits,
    and his servants flames of fire.
Hebrew 1:7


Recently I heard the Spirit of God say, “Welcome to the furnace.” I have been around old wood-burning stoves my entire life, that is what my family called the furnace. Once you have hot coals built up in the bottom, you just need to chuck wood into it. You don’t let that fire go out, you just keep putting wood in it. If you need to go start a fire outside or something, you come in, get a few hot coals, take them outside, put wood on them and now that same fire that was inside begins to burn there. As long as you fuel the fire, it continues to burn. Then you add more logs on the fire and what it builds is a hotter bed of coals, the hotter they get, the more coals are produced, and the longer it lasts.

 I knew when God said, “Welcome to the furnace,” it was a furnace of prayer.  It was a place of sustaining what He has taken us into, that place of prayer and intercession, the fire of God churning within us. The good and holy fires of God that do not consume us.

Several years ago, as I was on my way to look at what would become the first Well building, I pulled into the parking lot and I saw in the spirit on top of the building a flame of fire. I asked, “God, what is that?” He said, “it’s an angel of fire.” I had no context for what an angel of fire was but as long as it was from Him, I knew it was good. Angels are messengers, the Bible says He sends His messengers to the heirs of salvation and makes His ministers a flame of fire. (Ps 104:4)

If God is sending a messenger and it happens to be cloaked in a flame of fire, and He makes His ministers a flame of fire, that tells me that God brings coal from His fire and He delivers it. We lay our lives upon that coal and it begins to ignite, revival fires igniting within us and around us.

 This week, I saw in the spirit angels bringing fiery coals and placing them in peoples bellies, it was as if they knew who was ready to receive it, who was ready to open up. If you will open up, I believe God is sending from the original fire of Heaven, not false fire, but real true fire. Remember, He sent an angel with a coal to put on the mouth of Isaiah to cleanse him (Isaiah 6:6). He is putting something in our bellies in the furnace within us so that we can carry the fire of God. As we steward that fire, more coals come and we get to walk up to others, share and impart what has been placed in us. It all starts with the original fire of God. Will you receive it, fuel the fire, and share it with others? 

If you need a revival fire, an awakening, or a refreshing, join us for 20 Days of Fire and Liberty beginning May 28 at 6:30 pm. We will host revival services every night for 20 days at 6:30 pm each night. Come expecting to see God move! 

This blog post was compiled by Cherish Bickel based on this recent word shared by Mike Brewer. 


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